1.Length of press ( consists of 7 modules, 1 m in length each)
7,0 m.
2. Width
1,45 m.
3. Height
1,65 m.
4.Quantity of modules
5.The maximal temperature
70 ° С.
6. Capacity of heaters (total)
8 kilowatt
7.7. Capacity of the engine of a drive
3,5 kilowatt
8.Maximal speed of the moving panel
10 m/min.
Thermo press modular type 7 m in length serves for pasting together under the pressure panels sandwiches. High speed and durability of pasting is provided due to the fast heating of the half finished product and its uniform wringing out. Thickness of the pressed panels varies from 60 up to 200 mm.
Thermo press has its own central control panel, which contains: elements of adjustment and management of the temperature, programming of reversive (forward and back) movement of the prepared panel inside the press and management of time endurance. During reverse movements of the panel inside the press the panel is wringed out to strictly established distance by the top and bottom shaft, and at the same time by the lateral clamping rollers that promotes ideal mutual overlapping of the top and bottom facings of the panel.
The temperature of pressing is adjusted from room temperature to 70°С. Control is carried out in each section of the plant.
Loading of the half finished panel into press and unloading of the ready panel is automatically performed.
Rollers modular type and a special conveyor serve for the loading of the prepared half finished panels and for the unloading of the ready panels.
Terms of manufacture
Terms of manufacture – 3,5 months.
Terms of payment
Advanced payment before the manufacture is set in process
Intermediate payment - after 2 months of the beginning of manufacture.
Payment before shipping the goods
Final payment - after installation and launching of the complete set of the equipment